Codeminer42 Dev Weekly #20

HELLO EVERYONE!!! It’s July 19th 2024 and you are reading the 20th edition of the Codeminer42’s tech news report. Let’s check out what the tech world showed us this week!

BREAKING NEWS: Faulty CrowdStrike Update Crashes Windows Systems, Impacting Businesses Worldwide

A faulty update from cybersecurity company CrowdStrike has caused widespread disruptions to Windows systems worldwide, impacting businesses across various industries. Security researcher Kevin Beaumont found that the faulty update causes Windows to crash. The recovery process is expected to take days, with businesses needing to manually fix each affected endpoint. The incident highlights the importance of implementing fail safes and diversifying IT infrastructure to prevent such widespread outages.

TreeMap in Java: A Must-Know Data Structure – by Igor’s Techno Club

TreeMap is a data structure in Java that implements the NavigableMap interface and is part of the Java Collections Framework. It efficiently stores key-value pairs in a sorted order. This article explores TreeMap’s features, main methods and provides practical examples of its usage. Check out this article and compare other language map structures (like Ruby, JavaScript, or PHP for example) to gain insights into how this data structure can aid in resolving issues you may face in your project.

An Introduction to Auth0 for Ruby on Rails – by Thomas Riboulet

Ruby developers have many authentication options, but building a custom solution can be expensive and risky. The devise gem, in many cases, is the must-have for most teams, but some alternatives can simplify the process. This article will discuss setting up and using Auth0 in a Ruby on Rails application, covering everything from handling roles to using multiple providers for user authentication.

Exploring the Node.js Native Test Runner – by Damilola Olatunji

The introduction of a stable test runner in Node.js has sparked debate in the community due to the presence of established third-party testing frameworks, like the famous Jest and the rookie-hyped Vitest. This article will not focus on justifying its place in the ecosystem but will instead explore the test runner’s core capabilities through hands-on exploration. Check it out!

Add a “X is writing…” with Rails and Turbo – by Rails Designer

The article discusses the process of adding a ‘Someone is writing…’ feature to a Rails chat app using Hotwire. It includes step-by-step instructions on modifying the new message form, creating a Stimulus controller, and implementing a Rails controller. The article concludes by highlighting the need for UI design and recommends a UI components library for Rails.

Introducing Genkit for Go: Build scalable AI-powered apps in Go – by Chris Gill & Cameron Balahan

Genkit for Go is an open-source framework for building AI-powered applications and cloud services in Go. It combines Go’s performance and concurrency advantages with Genkit’s libraries to create generative AI applications. The framework includes intuitive libraries for AI generation, as well as enhanced prompt engineering and more. Genkit also integrates with Google and third-party AI services through plugins. Developer tooling, including a CLI and browser-based UI, helps streamline AI development, while production observability ensures applications are serving users as expected. The framework is currently in alpha, encouraging developers to experiment and provide feedback to shape its future development.

Japanese web design: weird, but it works. Here’s why – Phoebe Yu

Our friend Phoebe explores the psychological and cultural reasons behind the unique design of Japanese websites. Japanese culture values reassurance and avoiding uncertainty, leading to complex and detailed designs that provide as much information as possible. She encourages designers (we can include developers too) to consider cultural factors when designing/developing products and invites everyone to stay curious and keep learning about cultural psychology.

What’s the Difference Between the useMemo and useCallback Hooks? – by Kunal Nalawade

This article discusses the differences between the useMemo and useCallback hooks in React. It provides examples and scenarios for when to use each hook, and emphasizes the importance of not overusing them for better code readability. Overall, useMemo and useCallback are useful hooks for improving the performance of a web app in React. Check it out!

How to Integrate Next-Auth with Your Next.js Application – by Faruq Abdulsalam

The author provides a detailed guide on how to integrate Auth.js v5 with a Next.js application. It covers setting up the environment, creating interfaces and types, configuring Auth.js, creating authentication components, creating authentication and protected pages, and adding middleware for authentication.

Infrastructure as Code is Artisanal Automation – by Brian Grant

The author talks about the concept: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) as a form of artisanal automation, requiring time and expertise. It explains that IaC involves representing infrastructure configuration as code, managing it using code practices, and relying on humans for changes. Check it out!

Architecture and product life cycle – by Denys Poltorak

The author discusses the life cycle of architecture in software development projects. He begins by describing the infancy stage, where a project starts as a proof of concept and then progresses through childhood, youth, adulthood, old age, and ultimately death. Each stage involves changes in the architecture based on the project’s maturity, domain knowledge, and business requirements. The author also highlights the possibility of returning to earlier stages if the domain undergoes significant changes. Overall, the cycle involves finding a balance between flexibility, structure, and optimization as the project evolves.

Threat Prevention & Detection in SaaS Environments – 101 – by The Hacker News

The article talks about the growing concern of identity-based threats on SaaS applications and the importance of threat prevention and detection in such environments. It highlights the need for a robust Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) system to prevent massive breaches, using examples such as the Snowflake breach. The text explains how ITDR works by monitoring events across the SaaS stack and detecting behavioral anomalies that indicate a threat. It also provides proactive measures organizations can take to reduce identity-based risks, such as classifying accounts, creating checks for privileged accounts and more.

A Simple Docker Cleanup Script to Save Your Day – by Itay Eylath

Our friend Itay Eylath shows us a simple and very useful Docker cleanup script called that helps in removing unnecessary Docker containers, restarting Docker, and displaying the status of Docker. The script is easy to use and can be executed by saving it as and running it in the terminal. Check it out!

Intel chips can’t possibly be this bad… 100% crash rate? – by Fireship

Our friend Jeff Delaley, from the Fireship YouTube channel, has raised concerns about Intel’s latest Raptor Lake CPUs, particularly the 13th and 14th gen Intel CPUs. These new chips have been plagued with instability and crashes. The exact cause of these issues is unclear, with blame being shifted between Intel and Nvidia, potential silicon degradation, and incorrect microcode values being suggested. Game developers and data centers have reported widespread problems, including misleading error messages and performance losses. While Intel has acknowledged the issues, a definitive solution has not yet been provided, leaving consumers and businesses uncertain.

And that’s all for this week! Wish you all a great weekend and happy coding!

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