Colostrum Supplements Are the Latest Health Trend. We Talked to an Expert to See What They Think

Many of us learn about emerging health trends through social media. One of the more popular trends hitting sites like TikTok is taking colostrum supplements. Influencers rave it's excellent for gut health and carries several other benefits. 

Before going into whether it's an effective supplement, let's dive into what is colostrum? Colostrum is the milky substance first released after birth in mammals. It contains a higher dose of protein, antioxidants and antibiotics designed to help nourish a newborn's immune system. Because of the nutrients packed in the milk, companies started making bovine colostrum. As the name suggests, it comes from the first milk of cows instead of humans. You can take these supplements in pill, liquid, chewable tablet and powder form. 

Our guide uncovers how colostrum helps your body, who benefits from it and whether there are medical studies correlating with influencers who claim it helps with different aspects of health. 

"Colostrum is the first milk produced by many mammals right after birth," Dr. Kecia Gaither says. "The newest supercool fad is ingesting cow colostrum. This supplement form is pasteurized and dried into either pills or powders, which you can add to a liquid." 

She says that what makes colostrum different from "regular milk" is that it is:

1. Rich in proteins that help to boost immunity (antibodies and lactoferrin)

2. Contains growth factors, which aid in supporting the development and repair of the GI tract, enhancing gut health

3. Contains a high concentration of nutrients, such as vitamins A, B C, E, calcium, zinc, magnesium

4. Anti-inflammatory, meaning it has properties that decrease inflammation in the body

"Individuals with intestinal issues like ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease or autoimmune GI issues, and compromised immune systems might consider taking colostrum," she says.

"What's more, there are several differences between colostrum and breast milk," she says. "The Cleveland Clinic notes that it contains twice as much protein, has four times as much zinc and is full of immunoglobulins to keep your baby healthy and ward off illnesses." 

Potential benefits of colostrum

You can find several benefits promoted by brands like ARMRA, WonderCow and Symbiotics, which include: 

Immune system support

Because of its immune benefits for newborns, you would think colostrum supplements should do the same in adults. However, the results are unclear at best. A 2020 study conducted on athletes taking 10g to 25g of the supplement daily found there wasn't an improvement in serum immunoglobulins or neutrophils. Neutrophils are a white-blood-cell tasked with capturing and destroying invading bacterial cells. 

On the other hand, colostrum contains proteins and peptides, which can regulate your immune system. Therefore, the results remain mixed until more studies show its effectiveness. 

Digestive health benefits

The good news is some studies show colostrum's ability to improve gut health. When adults ingest a colostrum supplement, their bodies produce more intestinal cells. The growth of antimicrobial agents and immunoglobulins could help ward off conditions like diarrhea.

hand pours white colostrum powder
Alexthq/Getty Images

Growth factors and tissue repair

Another benefit of colostrum supplements is muscular-skeletal repair and growth capabilities. Studies discovered people taking colostrum helped improve TGF-A and B and insulin growth factors IGF 1 and 2. These growth factors help your body repair cartilage, muscle, and wounds quickly. 

Reducing inflammation

Colostrum may also help reduce inflammation in your body since it contains lactoferrin. Studies show lactoferrin is instrumental in reducing inflammation.

Potential risks and side effects of colostrum

There may be drawbacks that could arise from taking any supplement. Here are the most common side effects for colostrum: 

Allergic reactions

Colostrum contains cow's milk and lactose. For people allergic to either, you'll want to refrain from taking the supplement and consult your medical professional on alternatives. If you're uncertain about your allergies, have your medical professional administer an allergy test. 

Digestive issues

Any colostrum supplement contains some lactose. If you're lactose intolerant, you'll want to refrain from taking the supplement. Some people might also experience mild gas or nausea. These symptoms subside after a few days of use. However, if you continue to experience these side effects, discontinue use and contact your doctor.

Contamination issues

Chances are, you won't know how the farmers raise the cows. Some might use synthetic hormones or antibiotics, or the cows could ingest pesticides due to their environment. These could spill their way into the supplement. Dr. Gaither adds, "There is always a chance of contamination, so do your due diligence and obtain it from a reputable source."

Herd of Cows looking down, directly at the Camera
Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Images

Who should consider using colostrum?

The primary purpose of colostrum is to nourish infants, giving them an extra boost of protein, antioxidants and more to help them grow. However, given the milk's nutrients, it can be handy in other instances. 

Athletes could find colostrum supplements to be helpful in muscle recovery and development. Colostrum contains growth factors that help muscles develop quicker. Studies show people taking these supplements could experience muscle gain while lowering total fat. However, since there are limited studies on the subject, it's ideal to consult your doctor before adding this to your training diet. 

Another group that can benefit from colostrum is those seeking gut health improvements. Of the studies done, improving gut health seems to be one of the more promising outcomes of those taking colostrum supplements. The increased production of antimicrobial agents and immunoglobulins can help to eliminate irritable bowel disease symptoms.  

Finally, aging populations could benefit from colostrum supplements. One of colostrum's biggest impacts is in its protein. Given that as we age, we become susceptible to muscle loss, having an added source of protein can slow muscle loss from happening. Studies also show taking colostrum regularly can reduce blood pressure, improve healthy cholesterol levels and aid in body weight management. One study discovered participants experienced these improvements after 12 weeks of regular dosing.

How to choose the right colostrum supplement

Since colostrum supplements haven't received FDA approval, shopping for them can be a dicey enterprise. The first step is to schedule a visit with your primary doctor or nurse practitioner. Speak with them about adding the supplement to your diet, the goals you hope to achieve and whether it's a good idea. There could be underlying health conditions such as lactose intolerance that could result in side effects. 

Once your doctor gives you the green light to try, shop several different supplement companies. Examine where they source their ingredients. Cows can pick up environmental impacts like pesticides and antibiotics, which could impact the safety of the supplements. 

You'll also want to pay close attention to dosing levels. All supplements contain instructions for use, with 10 to 60 grams daily being a common dosage. According to studies, you can expect to see some improvement within three months. However, you might experience some side effects like gas or nausea. These may wear off after a few days of use. 

When you're ready to buy, colostrum supplements come in many forms, such as capsules, powder, liquid, liquid extracts and chewable tablets.  You can purchase these supplements at vitamin shops, drug stores or online retailers like Amazon. 


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