Unveiling the Enigma: Defining Airborne Disease Spread

Unveiling the Enigma: Defining Airborne Disease Spread
Unveiling the Enigma: Defining Airborne Disease Spread

International Health Experts Define Airborne Disease Spread

International health experts have agreed on a definition for airborne disease spread.

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a technical document outlining the definition. The document states that "through the air" transmission occurs when a pathogen travels through or remains suspended in the air.

The WHO's clarification aims to prevent misunderstandings about how diseases can spread through the air. This clarification is crucial in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the WHO faced criticism for initially not recognizing airborne spread.

The new definition will facilitate discussions on ventilation and other measures to prevent airborne disease spread. It is comparable to the recognition of blood-borne viruses and the subsequent adoption of glove-wearing in medical settings.

newsid: gikutgsotc3whz5

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