Links For You (8/31/2024)

Links For You (8/31/2024)

For my American readers, I hope you are able to enjoy a relaxing three day weekend. I've got big plans to do absolutely nothing and do quite a bit of it. My September is going to be busy so I'd like to try my best not to think about that for the next few days. Let's get to the links!

One Million Checkboxes - You Won't Believe This...

I use a note app to keep track of the links I want to share in these posts and generally, I share in a FIFO manner - the oldest added links first. But this... this link comes from a post shared recently on Mastodon and frankly was way too cool to put off. I don't even want to tell you about this link, I just want you to read it. Trust me.

The Secret Inside One Million Checkboxes

Operating System Selector Web Component

One of my pet peeves are web sites that share documentation for one operating system only, typically OSX. Eleventy is a great example of doing it the right way - showing examples for OSX, Linux, and Windows. My friend Simon MacDonald on the Begin team shared how they support this using a component that handles the toggle as well as remembers your previous setting: OS Selector for Documentation Sites

A Rant about Front-end Development

Rant is putting it nicely to be honest. This post by Frank Taylor is... a lot. Before clicking, prepare yourself for many bitter truths and even more curse words. Honestly I agree with pretty much all of it so I encourage you to read it (I mean, I'm sharing it here so of course I do), but just be ready for a rough ride.

And now for something sweet

This is gloriously wonderful video of Deborah Woll explaining Dungeons and Dragons to Jon Bernthal. It's a near perfect explanation (although to be fair I've never played myself and I hate that I haven't yet) and seeing Jon grasp just how cool it is makes the video absolutely heartwarming.

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